OXYGEN Publishing launches a new Children's Book division.


If you know me, you know I love books. The one thing I do love more than books is being a Mom to my three (now grown) children. Combine the two, and you have a devoted Mom that loved reading books to her children for many, many years. In fact, those same books are now making their way into the hearts of our family's next generation of readers, and I am delighted every time I see one of them snuggled with a book in their little hands.

If you have EVER wanted to write and publish a book to inspire children around the world, there has never been a better time to do just that. There has never been a more unique publishing agency to guide, mentor, and breathe life into your book in every way. At Oxygen, we LIVE and BREATHE books. We empower you to write and share your extraordinary story told your way.

Don't just take MY word for it! Check out Oxygen Publishing's new Children's Book Division, headquartered in Scotland, and directed by Linda Erskine. We could not be...

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Today is my Birthday! It's the perfect day to share BIZ NEWS.

It's been a very interesting year so far, wouldn't you agree? Today, I proudly celebrate another trip around the sun (my 57th!).

It has been a very creative time over these last eight weeks, and I am beyond grateful. I've been keenly focused on the growth of my business, as well as implementing a big goal that I believe will help increase the success of my students and clients.

I notice that although many aspiring and emerging authors are ready to commit to writing and publishing their book, many others are hungry for knowledge and want to learn all they can about the pathway to publishing: how to acquire a toolbox filled with navigational strategies to write and publish books as well as create brands and build businesses.

One of the most important anchors I hold true to is offering clients and students a personalized, human experience - unlike any other publishing company. People doing business with people and for the benefit of other people. Oxygen embodies excellence,...

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CREATION CHRONICLES: What a year this week has been.

Life Writes Extraordinary Stories...doesn't it? 


Just last Wednesday, I was enjoying the company of my second guest at my 3rd Become an Author with Ease by the Sea Elite Author Retreat in Venice Beach, Florida.  What I had imagined and created months ago was showing up in my reality; a full-house, sold-out private event. 

And while I wasn't paying attention, with an ocean at my feet, peace, calm and creative energy abound, (a reflection of my personal mindset), the outside world was bathing in the emotions of fear. I was completely oblivious. 

I soon understood that all I had learned, practiced and taught about mindset mastery would be called into practice.  I would not allow any of the outside world to influence making smart decisions. I packed up early and traveled safely home.

The good news? A period of self-quarantine with an opportunity to be massively productive. 

“If there has ever been a time in history to take...

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From my window seat at 40,000 feet

For many people, flying is a passive exercise of getting from one location to the next.  For some, it's the perfect time to catch up on reading or work to be completed.

My flying experience is purely meditative. 

I like the window seat.  I prefer it for comfort, I can legitimately lean in on one side, and somehow feel I have just a little more privacy. Maybe it's an illusion, but I thought the comfort was the only reason I preferred it. Turns out, it's a much bigger picture.

During one of my trips last year where I changed seats to help a passenger, I found myself sitting on the isle.  During the flight, a very smooth one, I felt uncomfortable; ill at ease. I couldn't figure out why.  I have plenty of books in my bags to read, and I have my meditations to listen to, but I knew I was missing something, but let it go. 

On my return trip, where I once again sat at my window seat at 40,000 feet, I understood.  


I use my flying time to...

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Become and Author with Ease By the Sea in March 2020!

I'm returning to write by the sea for the month of March 2020. Will you join me at my stunning oceanfront location in Venice Beach, Florida?

Because it's always the right time to get a healthy dose of sand, sea, and sunshine to inspire creativity and achieve your book publishing goals. 

Enjoy a seaside rendezvous with your imagination hosted by yours truly at my stunning oceanfront location in Venice Beach, Florida. 

Watch how fun Become An Author With Ease By the Sea can be (Editions 1 & 2).

  • Discover the secrets of the magical world of next-gen book publishing.
  • Write your book with ease by the sea.
  • Unlock your imagination, authority, and wisdom.
  • Inspire others with your signature story.
  • Create a significant and unlimited stream of income and contribute to your professional success.  


(Spaces are limited)


4-DAY (3 NIGHT).  Includes 2-FULL...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Roaring into The 20's!

Happy New Year! Are you ready to ROAR?

I'm grateful for the transformation I (not so willingly?) accepted to face last year to be ready to charge into this decade with roaring passion and discipline and achieve my goals and mission. Many people have expressed to me that 2019 was a year for disrupting old thought patterns, letting go, and allowing change. It was a year to ditch comfort zones to reach new levels of awareness. I agree!

We must always be willing to give up something of a lesser value to gain something of greater value.

It was a year of action and what I believed was the path for growth only one short year ago, turned out to be the essential spark I needed to propel me forward. 

What's so beneficial about using the previous year as a springboard into the new one? Your accomplishments are the evidence and conviction that you are on the right path.  Last year prepared me for my BIGGER Vision for my personal, professional, financial, health, and wealth goals...

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Foresight or hindsight? What's YOUR 2020 Vision?

We are nearing the holidays and the year's end. I'm looking forward to time with my extended blended family and just allowing this season to settle in - mostly because I didn't really see it coming!

What are you looking forward to most as this year draws to a close? Are you looking forward to saying farewell to the last 12 months, or are you ready to gear up and grow into the dawn of a new decade? The good news is that no matter where you've been, you are entirely in charge of where you are going!   

What's Your Story? Your Vision Holds the Key 

What does the expression hindsight is 20/20 mean? This saying says that "it's easy to know the right thing to do after something has happened, but it's hard to predict the future."  I don't agree. We are in control of how we think and so many of the corresponding results. If you're paying attention, in a state of awareness, you will witness the connection. We create our reality from the inside out. 

One of the...

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How I flipped the script about Black Friday

It's that time of year...again

Black Friday is upon us. I want to take this opportunity to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating in my U.S. community.

Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday filled with blessings in abundance. We all have so much for which to be grateful.

In Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October, but Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing has become the norm here as well.  Every year around this time, as I prepare for the coming year, I reflect not only on the speed of each year passing but on my key takeaways in retrospect.

This year has been a banner year in so many ways. For example, on this day last year, my mom was stable; I didn't know she would pass away four days later, on December 1st. If I were to choose the most significant thing that stood out for me in 2019, it would be the lessons I've learned about PERSPECTIVE.  So many things that I thought would move in one direction didn't, and the polar...

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Does your thinking take you down the rabbit hole?

We've all been there. 

We think on energetic frequencies, and the moment we assign an emotion to a thought (whether that emotion is wanted or unwanted), we immediately create momentum. One thought picks up another just like it, and before you know it, you've imagined a catastrophic event that will likely never happen. Our fears take over and we're down the rabbit hole trying to find a way out. 

Fear and faith both ask us to believe in something we cannot see. Why do we insist on choosing fear? 

My faith formula 

There is a Law of Gratitude, which is one of the universal laws that govern our life in magical and magnificent ways.  But how does committing to this essential life elixir, seeing life through the gratitude lens, improve your life today and ripple waves into tomorrow and your future? Gratitude is contagious. 

But what does that mean? 

We all feel the uplift and altitude of this emotion when we feel joyful and happy.  But did you...

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The Start is What Stops Most People

I'm thrilled that so many new faces have joined the Art of Authorship Facebook group.  If you would like an inspiring group of writers and authors to mastermind with who will support you and help you remain accountable to your goals, you can join us here.

I want to also congratulate all of you who made the decision to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) during the month of November. 

I am posting my TOTD (Thought of The Day) LIVE in the Facebook group to encourage our writers to continue.  So often, we know deep down that we want to start something new, develop a new habit, but our "paradigm" or belief system controls our behavior.  Our old habits of not doing, of remaining comfortable, take over and, we never start the very thing we know we want to do. That is why there is such power in a mastermind, like a Facebook group or the NaNoWriMo initiative, to not just get started, but to KEEP us moving forward.

The start is what stops most...

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